The beginning of 2024 brought with it the Master Plan of the Tax Administration Service was presented, with the objective of increasing taxpayer collection margins, through an increase in auditing, the opening of new service offices, as well as the implementation of graph analytics and machine learning models.
Although among its main objectives, we find the use of artificial intelligence and improvements in taxpayer service, the measures focused on the Prevention of Money Laundering and tax evasion stand out.
In Mexico there are individuals engaged in legal activities that may be used or obligated to carry out transactions with resources of illicit origin.
Therefore, in order to prevent the commission of a crime, Mexican law, through the Federal Law for the Prevention and Identification of Operations with Resources of Illicit Origin («LFPIORPI»), establishes several obligations, such as:
- Identify the clients or users with whom these activities are carried out, considering their activity, tax data and the existence of an owner or beneficiary.
- Document and keep the information supporting the vulnerable activity (file).
- Provide facilities for the verification visits carried out by the authority.
- Submit the corresponding notices and/or reports, which may be:
- Normal notices, whose presentation is made no later than the 17th day of the following month.
- 24-hour notices.
- Report without operations (in zero).
- Modifying notices.
- By accumulation of the value of the operation.
In case of non-compliance in any of these actions, the legislation contemplates several administrative, pecuniary and imprisonment penalties, such as:
- Revocation of permits and authorizations.
- Fines between 200 and up to 65,000 UMAs or from 10 to 100% of the value of the act or operation.
- Penalties from 2 to 10 years imprisonment with a fine of five hundred to two thousand days.
Therefore, it is important to analyze the company’s operations; due to the increase in verification actions through artificial intelligence to better plan the collection processes with respect to vulnerable activities.
What can we do for you?
Our team of experts has experience in all aspects of compliance with the obligations established in the matter:
Adrián Bueno
Legal Services Lead Partner
Sofía Cardona
Legal Manager

Adrián Bueno
Socio Director de Legal